QBR Template 1

Image of powerpoint slide
Full Description:

This powerpoint gives you a full picture of content that can be included with a Quarterly Business Review. Remove any slides that do not fit with your business model, and use the rest to customize the report.

Target Audience:
Typically quarterly, but can be varied based on client

QBR Template 2

Image of sample QBR
Full Description:

This segmented QBR template allows for a clean and clear breakdown of the most important information to share with all involved in the review, and also allows for a clear delineation of the next steps, to keep everyone on track.

Target Audience:
Typically quarterly, but can be varied based on client

Pre-Meeting Survey

Image of survey questions
Full Description:

Asking these simple questions prior to the meeting will help your QBR go much better. This strategy can also greatly help as you strive to grow your relationships and multi-thread within the customer's organization.

Target Audience:
Attendees of the QBR
1-2 weeks before the QBR meeting

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