Join us for an exclusive webinar designed to transform your approach to complex customer onboarding! Discover the secrets to seamless onboarding, reduce customer churn, and enhance satisfaction with expert strategies and cutting-edge tools.

Read More about Webinar: Mastering the Art of Complex Customer Onboarding for Success

Many volunteer organizations often have problems fully engaging their members during member onboarding, recruiting, and current membership. Here is a use case to demonstrate how Engage helped one organization overcome these hurdles. 

Read More about Empowering Potential: Visionary Approach to Volunteer Engagement

Onboarding hospitals to new systems or technologies is a challenging customer onboarding process. Navigating the complexities of hospital onboarding requires a strategic approach and essential tools to safeguard positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

Read More about How to Onboard Hospitals Effectively

The quality of data and information provided during the customer onboarding process directly impacts the outcomes and success of the endeavor. We explore proven strategies to mitigate this risk for customer onboarding teams. 

Read More about Navigating the Pitfalls of Garbage In, Garbage Out in B2B Customer Onboarding

While a documented customer onboarding process is essential for establishing a foundation, its mere existence does not guarantee success. The real challenge lies in translating theory into practice and executing the customer onboarding process effectively.

Read More about Customer Onboarding: From Documentation to Execution - Overcoming Challenges for B2B Success

ProteusEngage is thrilled to announce the release of Engage Version 6.58, introducing cutting-edge features with the innovative Checklist Builder and Checklist Experience engines for customer onboarding.


Read More about Engage Version 6.58 Unleashes Groundbreaking Checklist Builder and Checklist Experience Engines

This article provides a detailed walkthrough of the steps involved in auditing your B2B customer onboarding processes and engagement, emphasizing the importance of adaptability to meet evolving customer expectations.

Read More about How To Audit Your B2B Customer Onboarding Processes and Engagement

Modern customers not only demand a better experience but also expect a seamless onboarding journey that sets the stage for a fruitful collaboration. This article explores the key areas of improvement in modern customer onboarding.

Read More about Enhancing B2B Customer Onboarding: Strategies for a Seamless Experience

B2B client onboarding success is not a single event, but a journey. In this article, we will deep dive on why the first 120 days are pivotal and the five key components that define success during this period.

Read More about Maximizing Success in the First 120 Days: A Comprehensive Guide to B2B Customer Onboarding