For many companies, landing & expanding customers is the only path to profitability. With the rise of SaaS and reoccurring revenue complex sales modules, pressure is now placed on the organizations (complex sales, customer onboarding and customer success teams) to get, keep, and grow revenue on their customers. This modern and continuous model is a challenge for many of these teams and will be the difference between success and failure.

Solutions for an Improved Customer Success Process

  • Templated Processes: When processes are templated, they become easier to learn and remember. They keep everyone on the same page. You can make processes even more efficient by adding automation. 
  • Seamless Environment from an Internal and External Perspective: Communication often gets lost as accounts transfer from sales to customer success and across various contributors and stakeholders. Companies need a seamless environment in which to transfer information. 
  • Consistent Engagement with the Customer: Consistent engagement with the customer will keep them excited about your products and services. It will keep you in the forefront of their mind. It will help companies determine the best products to cross-sell and upsell. Engagement can be performed through group messaging, direct messaging, and sharing. 
  • Sharing of MAP’s and Other Documents: Sharing MAPs (mutual action plans) across teams will increase customer accountability. A centralized program for the sharing of MAPs and other documents will aid in collaboration. 
  • Well Planned simple yet impactful QBR and Strategy Planning Meetings: Companies must come up with consistent plans for running their QBR and strategy planning meetings so they can identify new opportunities for value creation.