Business-to-business marketing has seen steady shifts in recent years, as traditional complex sales methods are being replaced with more targeted and innovative ways of reaching new customers.  

In this changing landscape, account-based marketing is emerging as the most effective way for businesses to meet key marketing goals and stand out from their competition. 

Why Account-Based Marketing? 

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a focused growth strategy where businesses strategically target customers and create a strategy tailored toward those customers. Using this strategy, teams communicate directly with high-value prospects and create strategies tailored to an “audience of one.” 

The result is more specific, personalized, and focused marketing efforts. Additionally, teams are able to focus their energy on gaining the loyalty of valuable companies. ABM marketing utilizes a combination of strategy and technology to develop a targeted campaign for a specific audience. 

How to Deliver ABM Services at Scale

The data supporting ABM is compelling and the method has a track record of making businesses stronger and more profitable. By definition, it’s personalized and targeted to a narrow audience. This means businesses are charged with finding a way to deliver targeted, personalized experiences at scale. 

One key to doing this well is using a platform that offers end-to-end services for a continuous customer/prospect experience. These experiences cover everything from complex sales and onboarding to account growth and cross-selling. Shifting to this type of platform might seem like a heavy lift, but it’s not. It can be an easy change to implement with the right tools. This will lead to huge results when it comes to effectively executing ABM campaigns. 

Unite your team and your customer's team with an all-in-one connected experience. 

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Engage: Simplifying Complex Onboarding for SaaS, Tech, and Professional Services. Discover cutting-edge digital workspaces and smart automation that ensure successful customer onboarding experiences. With Engage, unlock a consistent and repeatable onboarding process.

Proteus Insights Team

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With over 25 years in operation, Proteus has built strong connections with industry leaders across various sectors, products, and services. Our experienced team and loyal clients have enabled us to gain valuable insights from these interactions.